Template Usage #
'label' => esc_html__('Field Title', 'textdomain'),
'id' => "_your_id",
'type' => 'repeater', // specify the type "repeater" (case sensitive)
'conditional' => array(),
'default' => array(),
'fields' => array(
'label' => esc_html__('Your Title', 'textdomain'),
'id' => "_your_id",
'type' => 'select',
'options' => array(
'footer_1' => 'Footer 1',
'footer_2' => 'Footer 2',
'footer_3' => 'Footer 3'
'placeholder' => 'Select a footer',
'conditional' => array(),
'default' => 'footer_1',
'label' => esc_html__('Select Footer Style', 'textdomain'),
'id' => "_footer_style_2",
'type' => 'select',
'options' => array(
'footer_1' => 'Footer 1',
'footer_2' => 'Footer 2',
'footer_3' => 'Footer 3'
'placeholder' => 'Select a footer',
'conditional' => array(),
'default' => 'footer_1',
'bind' => "_footer_template_2" // bind the key to be control with conditions
'label' => esc_html__('Select Footer Template', 'textdomain'),
'id' => "_footer_template_2",
'type' => 'select_posts',
'placeholder' => 'Select a template',
'post_type' => 'tp-footer',
'conditional' => array(
"_footer_style_2", "==", "footer_2" // First parameter will be the id of control field and so on
'default' => '',
How to fetch the data? #
Use our function called tpmeta_field(‘_your_id’) and pass the above array id key to fetch the metadata. Since the function tpmeta_field(‘_your_id’) will return an array so you have to echo the value inside a loop.Â
Access the field’s value or subfield with it’s id key from the array.
$tp_repeater = function_exists('tpmeta_field') ? tpmeta_field('repeater_meta_key') : ''; // tpmeta_field($meta_key, $post_id)
foreach($tp_repeater as $row){ // Iterate the data with loop
echo $row['repeater_sub_field_key'] // get the subfield value by repeater inner array field key